Monday, February 22, 2010

Back to "normal" life

Friday, Benoit and I left Ankara around 10.30... but not without problems.
Turned out Benoit wasn't at the right station, or wait... we thought Benoit wasn't at the right station, and it turned out that he was!

PANIC PANIC, i was trying to get the bus to wait for him; them telling me and showing that they were leaving, and I, in panic, tryin to explain that he was on his way!

We finally got on the bus, only to notice that, 10 min after having left Asti it stopped at the station where he had been earlier!
Oh well, if only turkish people would speak english!!!

Other things that went wrong on the trip:

* I don't know, what I do know is waking up with blues and pain everywhere.

* Getting lost, not finding the Blue Mosque

* Telling the boys to take the ferry over to the Asian side (15 min boat ride) without explaining it well enough, only for them to take a 2h ferry around Istanbul.

* Getting on the wrong bus when leaving Istanbul, being happy to be in the Luxury bus, only to realize 3min later we'd gone on the wrong one!

* Bringing too much packing, half of which wasn't even used

* Wanting to find the Quba club (or was it Kuba) only to after a 5 min taxi drive and arriving when it was closed, noticing it was the Cuba, and that we'd been fooled by the taxi driver. We were about 2min walking from the club we started out at.

* Throwing popcorn in the bus station, only to get yelled at throu the speaker system

* Language barriers - isn't it always funny when you can't really understand each other!

But all of those things made the trip hilarious, and many many more! haha..
And I know that half of those things don't even sound funny, but I can assure you that they were.

Figured that instead of telling u all about it at once, I will tell u little by little!

So, as I told you before, I didn't go to school today... stresses me a lot, cus I had Micro, but well, I couldn't get out of bed.
I'm still feeling crappy, but hopefully it will be better tomorrow!

Should be studying right now, but can't even get my head out of the "fog" it's all blurry and I can't think straight!

BTW, who feels responsible for logging into my fb n reading the msg Jack sent me!?

Hmhmh... not cool!

Well, well, better snap out of my little dream world and go back to reality, cus in 5 weeks n 2 days I will go to Sweden, n before that i have exams and midterms...

back to work... hmhm... as soon as i'm feeling better! haha


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